comanos: Your guide for the future.
We promise you nothing less than a future-proof and innovative job. Your satisfaction and further development are our top priority. As specialists in the field of wind energy, we establish contact with lucrative employers and also become active in the field of temporary employment.
The importance of wind energy
In recent decades, the importance of wind energy has increased significantly and has become one of the most important energy sources in Germany. Therefore, the German government is pursuing the goal that all states designate two percent of their land with wind energy. And this goal must be achieved by 2032.
In order to further push progress in the field of wind energy and achieve said goals, qualified personnel are urgently needed.
And that's where you and your skills come in!
You are part of the change
What are progress and innovation without the right skilled personnel? That's right, nothing! That's why the demand for qualified personnel is constantly increasing, whether onshore or offshore. Specifically, employers from all over Germany are looking for the following positions:
- Electrician
- Mechanic
- Storekeeper
- Rotor blade technician
- Supervisor
- Teamlead
- Site Manager
- HSE Manager
- Quality inspector
- Project manager
- Engineer
- Many more
comanos: We mediate
your dream job
Our motivated team supports you in your search for your dream job. Professionally and efficiently. We see ourselves as companions who create a basis of trust and respond to individual wishes. Uncomplicated, fast and for your further development.
At comanos, quality and integrity mean that we treat applicants with the same respect as we would like to be treated. This means: We meet you at eye level. This is how a factual resume or job title becomes a personality that can enrich a project, a team or a company. This deep conviction is the basis of our passion and commitment by taking responsibility for our people and their performance.

Wir sind ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Talenten.
Unsere offenen Jobs
Wind energy is generated from power plants, which in turn generate electrical energy from wind. Like a windmill, the wind drives an electric motor.
By 2032, the states must designate two percent of their land for wind energy. By 2027, 1.4 percent of the land area should already be occupied by wind turbines.
There are no exact figures for the wind energy sector. But overall, around 200,000 - 220,000 skilled workers are currently needed in the renewable energy sector.